Research Internship in Molecular Medicine


The research internship or ‘Latihan Industri’ or industrial training attachment at INFORMM is designed to nurture the interest of undergraduate students in research in molecular medicine.


Visit our researchers (choose your supervisor) profile to find the matching area of expertise you are interested for your internship.

Apply at:

HODs Hebahan Penggunaan SPPLI di Semua Kampus Mulai 1 Mac 2022 Page 3

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HODs Hebahan Penggunaan SPPLI di Semua Kampus Mulai 1 Mac 2022 Page 4

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Hebahan Sistem Permohonan Pelajar Latihan Industri (SPPLI)

For enquiries, kindly contact Person In Charge:

: +604-653 4813 (Mdm Suriya)
